The Places of Memory

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The Places of Memory

Theatrical workshop with the purpose of creating a street performance

With this project, the Silence Teatro is proposing the creation of a street performance following a week of work, indoors and outdoors, to a group of 12/16 people. This permormance will take the “FigurAzione” performance: white clay, statue-actors, gestural theater methods and techniques now adopted and extremely well known in Europe as a stimulus.

When several particularly interesting city location have been chosen for the show, the participants and several Silence group actors will be invited by the director to develop the theme of memory. The stones, the images, the suggestions and the whispers of these places will take us on a journey which will take us to the roots and provide a stimulus for the creation of a theatrical route taking form and life through the creation of new situations: the fruit of the cultural and human experience of each individual participant.

The project therefore sets itself the objective of creating a performance which is in close relation to the historical/environmental characteristics of the place and of presenting it to the public on the last day: the result obtained is a performance which on each occasion is an event born and created only and exclusively with those persons and in that determinate city.

The Places of Memory” was created for the first time in summer of 1996 in Estonia at the “Baltoscandal Festival” with a group of students from the local theatre schools.

Activity:Theatre workshop